Atlantis Weekly Questing Chapter 7 Guide, Table Version


1) This is for Everyone, Also be aware, they could change something, they've done it before, it's hard to predict the future 100% accurate all the time.  Just ask Miss Cleo. 

2) It Runs a Week.


Task # Tasks Rewards
1 Get 7 Food Flakes
Harvest 100 Manta Mushrooms
Harvest Atlantis Palace 2 Times  
XP, Coins, Ruby Betta Fish
2 Get 8 Aquatic Shears
Harvest 150 Seaweed
Harvest Ruby Betta Fish 2 Times
XP, Coins,Aquatic Bonsai Tree
3 Get 9 Jelly Bugs
Harvest 200 Pirate Potato
Make Seaweed Souffle 2 Times
XP, Coins, Atlantean Dragon
4 Get 9 Reef Lanterns
Harvest 225 Bubble Beans
Master Ruby Betta Fish to 1-Star
XP, Coins, Reef Forest
5 Get 10 White Corals
Harvest 250 Triton Turnip
Make 7-Leagues Bean Dip 2 Times
XP, Coins, Angel Reef Tree
6 Get 12 Lightning Oats
Harvest 275 Ambrosia
Master Atlantean Dragon to 1-Star
XP, Coins, Atlantis Peganarwhal

Icons for the Prizes will show up below: