Is it a “Deal” to buy Early Mistletoe Lane Access? Inside the answers!

So generally Early access is 1 week, with some quests, and like 7ish total Exclusive items.

This Go Round, hold on to your turnips, because its not a bad spread, if one is interested in such things.

First up you get this magnificiant repainted critter here:

And you don't even have to do anything but give them 35 farmcash.  And you get to play on the new farm for 2 weeks before others, since free access is the 19th of November.

Then the real fun hits.

A Questline with 6 Exclusive Prizes:

THEN ANOTHER Week of Quests,  With more Exclusive Prizes!

Here is a screen shot of 2 of them:

The Borealis Horse and Moon Lit Holiday Tree.  The other 4 prizes are : Dwarf Holiday Ox, Oakhottub, Holiday Water Tower, White Holiday Buffalo.


If you like these sorts of prizes and like doing quests, 35 cash is a *steal* to get these 13 items.

If you hate quests, then dont spend the 35 cash.

If you hate Farmville maybe look into another hobby?